
Thursday, 17 May 2012

Could it be low progesterone?

There is a link between low progesterone and ectopic pregnancy. Its hard to say what caused my ectopic because I have had my appendix out on my right side and a previous c-section and my surgeon said these would have contributed to my ectopic rupture.It is said that low progesterone slows down the movement of the fertilised ovum to the uterus, ending in the egg implanting in the fallopian tube.I saw some crazy statistic stating that something like 95% of women who have had an  ectopic pregnancy have low progesterone.  I have now been researching the symptoms of low progesterone because the last few months have been just awful.

Here is a list of

Low progesterone symptoms:

The problem with progesterone imbalances is the symptoms typically mimic those of other disorders. Besides infertility and pregnancy loss, low progesterone symptoms can include:
Mood swings..........................big fat tick next to this one!
Depression..............................for lack of a better word, yes!
Appetite changes....................did anyone see the mack truck drop off a load of lindt chocolate at the gates of my house?
   Weight changes...................Ive put on 10 kilograms in 3 months I'd say..yay.
   Irritability.............................only 90% of the time.
   Lack of concentration...........sorry what? oh yeh I get this too.
   Anxiety.................................every day.
   Fatigue..................................usually with the insomnia.
   Frequent menstruation..........nope
Irregular menstruation.............*warning POTMI (possibility of too much information......Aunt Flow only comes for 3 days at a time. She used to stick around for the whole week...she has been a bit bitchy lately.
   Low sex drive.......................doesnt everyone need a bottle of bubbly to get in the mood? Okay I would go as far as to say ....severely below zero and declining....yep I'm at bleeding point.
   Migraines..............................for 3 days when I ovulate and 3 days when I menstruate.
   PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)....hmmm not familiar with this one
   Vaginal dryness....................a little uncomfortable answering this but its worth considering.What a prude?
   Painful intercourse................yeh can be... just a little and no hubby that is not a compliment!.

Holy Gorganzolla, Its not looking good for me is it? I booked in with a General Practitioner today to ask to have my levels checked. I havent seen a doctor since my rupture, over 6 months ago. I have been sitting here patiently waiting for everything to just slot back into place...and it hasn't. Infact..I'm watching it all come crumbling down around my feet and today I thought i would just bite the bullet. Its hard to find good help isn't cut a long story short I questioned my anxiety and depression only to be told to look up psychologist in the yellow pages, and after i do that if i need medication to come back because that is his speciality. WOW...I sat there and pictured myself doing starfish jumps with pom poms chanting "give me a W give me an A give me an N give me a K give me an A, what does that spell"  yeh that's right....Maybe Ive seen too many episodes of Glee!

I found myself in a pool of tears, flooded with memories of the rupture, the pain, the flight, the surgery the recovery  the scars the injustice...I sat there today and soaked up all of his incompetence and can I expect more? 
So.....I went home and I took the advice of that doctors excuse for a rectum and picked up my yellow pages and then realised that the yellow pages for Darwin is pitiful. So I did what everyone else does these days doc and I googled. Except I'm not looking up a psychologist. I'm looking for a Medical Negligence lawyer, I need to lay this to rest.

Think Pink


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