
Friday, 4 May 2012

Is your skin putting you at risk of an ectopic?

There have been studies done to see the relationship between the skin disease Psoriasis and pregnancy complications. The results shocked me. If you suffer from psoriasis you are between 3 and 4 times more likely to suffer from an ectopic pregnancy.

The review identified 358 psoriasis patients who had had at least two diagnoses for psoriasis and 131,424 women who were similar except for no psoriasis diagnosis.

Women with psoriasis had a significantly higher rate of ectopic pregnancy, 13.6% of psoriasis patients versus 3% without psoriasis.

I have mild psoriasis, that is exacerbated with stress. After my ectopic pregnancy I could barely see through my eyes because of the skin flakes dropping from my eyebrows. "let it snow, let it snow let it snow"

I had no idea that my skin put me at a higher risk of complications, not just ectopic pregnancy either.

To read the entire study please follow this link.

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